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Scuba Diving

$50.00 per passenger



Cabo Pulmo is a very small and cozy village located at the “East Cape” of Los Cabos. The abundance of marine life, makes this magical place unique. Therefore it attracts scuba divers from all over the world. The scuba diving reef of Cabo Pulmo is thought to be 20,000 years old while being the most northern coral reef in the eastern Pacific. Since the finger shaped reef of Cabo Pulmo runs parallel to the coast the dive sites are fairly shallow.

The Mexican President, Ernesto Zedillo, declared the area surrounding Cabo Pulmo to be a National Marine Park on June 5, 1995. As a result, marine life was allowed to flourish. There are more than 10 beautiful scuba diving and snorkeling sites in Cabo Pulmo marine reserve. Scuba divers often dive with large schools of fish like big eye jacks, snappers, pork fish in addition to several types of rays. In addition there are incredibly large groupers, the occasional bull sharks and also manta rays. We have more than 15 years of experience in scuba diving and snorkeling in Cabo Pulmo and therefore always choose the best dive sites according to the daily conditions.
